French Toast Alert System

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yippy, Skippy!!

I woke up this morning to a sale in my Etsy store!  Traffic has been slow and sales were...well..."dead" pretty much sums it up.  I sold the solo skein of self striping "Broken Honeyed Peacock".  I hope that the buyer read the whole description thoroughly and understands that this is really a yarn that should be used for toys-it's not OMGDON'TTOUCHIT rough, but it isn't skin-soft.  I also had some dye breakage resulting in some pink spots in the brown stripes.  It's a pretty cool skein of blue, yellow, and greeny-brown (with pink spots).   I'm thrilled at the sale and wish that I could sell out of the whole store.  I'd love the money, sure-but ultimately it's that sense of " like me!  You really, really LIKE me!"

I made fried rice for brunch.  Surprisingly, the kids liked it and asked for more.  There are rice grains on the floor now, though :(  I'm waiting for them to dry up and then I will vacuum.  It wasn't my mom's fried rice, or a restaurant's, but it was certainly edible!

Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen preparatory to my leaving for mom's next week.  It got a more thorough cleaning than it has had since we moved in.  I got rid of all of the clutter and JUNK that has accumulated on the countertops (pennies, nails, screws, bits of metal, mouse poop, crumbs, coffee grounds, bits of paper, bits of unopened mail (credit card offers), recipes, instruction manuals, stuff like that).   There's still not enough counter space or storage for all of the things that a kitchen needs to hold, but it's much more tidy.  The room looks so much brighter and it's a pleasure to go COOK in there again :D  Crazy, I know!

I should make soap again.  I really want to order supplies online though.  More scent and butters.  I have a small bit of jojoba oil, some coconut oil, about a gallon of olive oil...really want some shea butter.  Colors I have.  Some scents.  I just want more variety.

I think that should be all for now.  I need to bug out to the PO so I can mail this yarn! In order to do that, I have to get the munchkins ready for public.  Yay.

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