French Toast Alert System

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Birthday Weekend

This year my birthday fell on a weekday.  I seem to have had a whole birthday WEEK, however, and I have really enjoyed it.  The evening before, we had a birthday dinner at the In-Laws'.  The day of, I had a cake.  It wasn't a great cake, but I didn't have to make it and everyone agreed that it was an awful cake.  Yesterday we delivered the munchkins to Grandma so she could keep them overnight and gave us money to see a movie/have dinner.  It turned out that outside work would take precedence, but we did eat out all day long and went browsing through used car lots for my next vehicle.  Got a lot of the outside work done and we're both pleased with the progress.  Played some WoW.  Today was spent doing more used car shopping, I got clothes, spent my Michael's gift card, and used up a Ruby Tuesday gift card.  Had a great lunch!  I ordered the lobster tail and petite sirloin with tomatoes and balsamic vinaigrette and grilled green beans.  YUM!  I was having a difficult day due to pain issues, so we called it a day after lunch and picked up the kids.  Finished binding off mom's socks in the truck on the way home.

Came home and played WoW.  I ran to get some minor groceries.    Used my brand new yardage counter to figure out how much of the Alligator Eats Black Pumpkin I really had (724 yards, not the 600 I had originally calculated).  It took me over two hours to get that number and wind the whole skein into a ball.

I'm off now to begin the cast on for Lazy Katy!

1 comment:

  1. That's such pretty handspun! Will be lovely knit into that shawl. Hope you're feeling better. Sounds like a really nice day.
